Monday, February 25, 2013

Cases - Cases In The World Crazy

1.    A woman from tenesse upset after catching her husband who was asleep with a cigarette in his hand still on that hole in the mattress, which also left a cigarette still burning in the same spot only to ADVISED OF THE CONSEQUENCES IF her husband what asleep in bed with D STILL LIT CIGARETTE ... eventually ... house went up in flames ... 2.    Remo Jalosjos, a congressman in the Philippines was sentenced...

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Communication efforts with the Alien

Currently in his future projects aimed to develop anti-radar technology (Stealth Technology), unmanned surveillance aircraft (UAVs or Unmanned aerial vehicles) and aircraft (UCAVs, Unmanned combat aerial vehicles), allows to surf at high speed cruising in the area very high, known as "AURORA". Because the planes are unmanned, the plane is...

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

10 Human Mental illness

1. Blame others Disease that P and K, which is primitive and infantile. Primitive. Blaming others is a primitive mindset. In the interior of Africa, if someone is sick, who thought out is: "Who is that nyantet ya?" Always the "who", not "what" the cause. The field of modern medicine is always to find out "what" is not "who". So if we think...

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20 How to Understand the Brain Guys Contents

The man is a creature of the most difficult to understand? Well, it could be true. But not to worry anymore guess they thought, because 20 it is stated that the real desire is stored behind the firm's face. When the first date ... He said: "I'll call deh ..." Meaning: He's not sure will contact you again. And chances are, this is the last...

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10 Sentences for Women Who Want Heard from Mate

For men, a woman full of puzzles. Many men who feel their grasp, but precisely the opposite. Make glad the hearts of women are extremely difficult, but there are 10 things the exception. Launched by TimesofIndia, women will never get tired of hearing this phrase 10. What are they? 1. 'You're Beautiful' The relative nature of beauty, and...

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Great Brain, Organ Most Confusing

1. Dreamland If we ask the same question to 10 people, what causes us to dream? Maybe you'll get 10 answers that are not the same. This is because no one has solved the mystery of scientists today. The first theory that information through nerve impulses between the brain of molecules of the exercise of a big brain for a dream place. Another...

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4 Nature of the Type of Boss

Unless you are really rich kid who was starting his own companies get direct employment, in some point in your life, you surely will have a named boss. Well, the boss itself there are various types. Here are the types of bosses: The charismatic boss, Fun, and SmartThis is the perfect type of boss who dream of all workers. Boss of this type...

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