Saturday, February 18, 2012

50 tips Habits For Achieving Success

Success stems from the mental. You may be poor but if you believe you can succeed, then that is what you will achieve. Vice versa, if a person is born rich, but do not have the mental successful, then one day he can lose one's shirt. No matter what your current job into a profession, whether low-ranking employees or the boss though, you can...

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

7 Unique Facts About Semen

In a health perspective, the semen is seen as a biological substance released by the male to fertilize the eggs of women through the process of sperm-egg union. But there are some strange facts about semen that has not been known. What are they? By definition, semen or seminal fluid is an organic fluid, also known as seminal fluid, which...

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

10 The temptation Toughest in the Acts of Love

Assemble the perfect love story indeed requires effort and sacrifice. Quite often temptations often come in and scrape the seeds of love that dwells within the heart. If you and your partner think wise of course this can be exceeded. Judging from the various temptations that most often threatens the beautiful story of love, here's 10 toughest...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Five facts of the story of the Ghost Ship Titanic

15 April marks 100 years of the sinking RMS Titanic. Despite the tragic story about this luxury yacht is often headline news, there are other stories that emerged from the Titanic, ghost stories. These are spooky tales of the Titanic. * After the Titanic tragedy, rescue teams found 328 victims of the Titanic and to temporarily evacuate their...

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Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Ways To Stay Beautiful Face

Most beauty products that are beneficial to moisturize and nourish the skin is made from materials found in nature. Therefore, why not just take from the source only if it is to get healthy skin as desired? Here are 10 easy ways to get healthy skin with natural ingredients A. Pat the face with a cloth soaked in warm water to open pores....

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5 Fruit is Good for Repelling Flu Disease

5 Fruit is Good for Repelling Flu Disease - Unfriendly weather as of late tends to make the body vulnerable to flu. Eat a nutritionally adequate and sometimes not enough to prevent it. Consumption of fresh fruit that can really help prevent the flu. What the hell are the fruit should be consumed? Changing weather lately makes the condition...

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

5 Habits That Make you Look Old

Product anti-aging skin care is already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive anti-aging products you are, it will not give significant results. Not only look old with wrinkles on the face of it, the energy reduction is also a sign of aging you. There are a few daily habits that could actually cause...

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