Saturday, November 19, 2011

12 Diseases and Disorders In Nails

Nail is one important part of our body. Nails are made of hard protein structure called keratin. Nails help in improving finger movement by applying pressure on the finger. This pressure helps in improving the touch and fingertip sensitivity. Nails are also susceptible to various diseases and disorders. 

Diseases and disorders that affect the nails can occur due to bacterial or fungal infection or because of trauma (biting nails, collision) in the nails. Too often paint the nails may cause nails to become brittle. Fungal infections cause the nails to turn colors, textures and shapes. Health conditions also affect the appearance of our nails. Heart disease can cause abnormalities called 'Finger Hippocrates', where the nail begins to grow upside down and shaped like a spoon. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also cause nails to become brittle and dry. Aasenik or silver poisoning can cause discolored nails blue or white appearance of lines. Here is a list of diseases and disorders that occur in the Nail: 

Onychia is an inflammatory condition that occurs due to pathogen infection. A small wound around the nail allows microorganisms to enter the tissue around the nail folds. This leads to the formation of pus and nails date. 

Onychocryptosis is one disease that causes nail ingrown toenail. It is also known as the unguis incarnatus. This condition is very painful. This can happen because of cut nails in a way that is not appropriate or too quick to cut nails. 

Onychogryposis is a condition in which a thickening of the nail curvature. Nail looks like a horn or claw-like animal. This condition occurs because of trauma or the presence of peripheral vascular disorders. This can occur in people who fails to cut the nails for a long time. 

This disease is a condition in which The loss of finger nails. Ring finger is the one that often experience this disorder. The cause of the condition is an infection, trauma, or due to thyrotoxicosis. 

This disease is a condition that causes the nail from the proximal end date. The cause is unknown and it is thought likely to occur due to infection or severe systemic illness. It can also be seen in patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer. 

Nails become brittle and start to split vertically or vertically to form mountains. Onychorrhexis may be a hereditary condition or as a result of reaction with a solution of household cleaners. This condition can be treated by using paraffin oil which helps in rehydration nails. 

Onychauxis is a condition in which abnormal thickening occurs in the nail plate. This happens because of acromegaly, trauma psoriasis, or in some cases, this disease is a hereditary disease. 

Injury to the base of the nail. This condition is also referred to as nail appears white because the white color on the nail. There are different types of leuconychia, leukonychia totalis (the entire nail becomes white), leukonychia partialis (some parts of the nail to white), leukonychia striata (white line that runs parallel to the nail) and leukonychia punctata (where small spots appear in the nail). 

Beau's lines 
In a transverse grooved line from one side to the other. These lines and horizontal ridges and grooves look like. These lines can be caused by a number of factors such as infection, injury, coronary occlusion, hypercalcemia, diabetes, psoriasis, malnutrition and other conditions. 

Also referred to as spoon nails, nail koilonychia is a disease that occurs due to anemia or iron deficiency. Nails become thin and flat or concave. 

Tinea unguium 
Tinea unguium is also known as ringworm of the nails or onchomycosis. The disease causes thickening and yellowish on the nail. The affected nails become brittle and can break away from the other nails. The cause of this condition is pathogenic fungi such as Candida and Trichophyton rubrum fungus nondermatophytic. 

This nail disease may occur suddenly (acute paronychia) or gradually (chronic paronychia). This condition causes the tissue around the nail becomes inflamed, thickened and brownish on the nail. Acute paronychia is caused by bacteria and is often treated with the help of antibiotics. 

That was some of the diseases and disorders that often occur on the nails. This can cause pain and discomfort. Keep your nails clean and dry at all times.


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