Monday, May 7, 2012

Communication efforts with the Alien

Currently in his future projects aimed to develop anti-radar technology (Stealth Technology), unmanned surveillance aircraft (UAVs or Unmanned aerial vehicles) and aircraft (UCAVs, Unmanned combat aerial vehicles), allows to surf at high speed cruising in the area very high, known as "AURORA". Because the planes are unmanned, the plane is...

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

10 Human Mental illness

1. Blame others Disease that P and K, which is primitive and infantile. Primitive. Blaming others is a primitive mindset. In the interior of Africa, if someone is sick, who thought out is: "Who is that nyantet ya?" Always the "who", not "what" the cause. The field of modern medicine is always to find out "what" is not "who". So if we think...

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20 How to Understand the Brain Guys Contents

The man is a creature of the most difficult to understand? Well, it could be true. But not to worry anymore guess they thought, because 20 it is stated that the real desire is stored behind the firm's face. When the first date ... He said: "I'll call deh ..." Meaning: He's not sure will contact you again. And chances are, this is the last...

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10 Sentences for Women Who Want Heard from Mate

For men, a woman full of puzzles. Many men who feel their grasp, but precisely the opposite. Make glad the hearts of women are extremely difficult, but there are 10 things the exception. Launched by TimesofIndia, women will never get tired of hearing this phrase 10. What are they? 1. 'You're Beautiful' The relative nature of beauty, and...

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Great Brain, Organ Most Confusing

1. Dreamland If we ask the same question to 10 people, what causes us to dream? Maybe you'll get 10 answers that are not the same. This is because no one has solved the mystery of scientists today. The first theory that information through nerve impulses between the brain of molecules of the exercise of a big brain for a dream place. Another...

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4 Nature of the Type of Boss

Unless you are really rich kid who was starting his own companies get direct employment, in some point in your life, you surely will have a named boss. Well, the boss itself there are various types. Here are the types of bosses: The charismatic boss, Fun, and SmartThis is the perfect type of boss who dream of all workers. Boss of this type...

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Fun to Have Friends Like the Famous Artist

Have a friend that is fun. We can play together, vent, happy together, cry together. Anyway, nothing can be shared deh. But actually, even better if your friend is a famous person! You know why so? Because: You can get Priority Everywhere So the story you again the same way your friend is well known. Willing to queue up so whatever. However,...

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Secret Tips To Become Lucky People

In the preceding discussion I've discussed Failure of Playboy, but today I will discuss about Tips to be a lucky person. Maybe one of you want in life but luck only comes once.Here's a little article about the luck in life, read through it out: We all know the good thing in a comic character Donald Duck. Contrary to Donald who is always...

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Failure of a Playboy

In previous articles I've discussed about Success Tips to be a True Playboy yet. Today I will tell you about the experience of one of my own friends. who failed to get the woman of his dreams. ok we just consider the following: A playboy is synonymous with a man who had a handsome face that have a high trust, has many female friends as well...

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meaning of a Power of Determination

Meaning of a Power of Determination - this tutorial I will share experiences on a sacrifice someone who has a strong base that determination on the individual, which may get you motivated in carrying out this life. Read this short tutorial until end : There is the story of the sacrifice of a mother holding a car that will hit the child. The...

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Today I Failed but I'm Sure I Could Get Up

Sometimes everyone has to experience failure, but failure is something that is reasonable. because if there is no failure then we will never feel successful.May be a successful business as it was once a man who failed but the person is willing to get up and until he finally succeeded, and success.About articles like this that will address...

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Tips on How to Make Ourselves to be Confident

Sometimes self-confidence must be present in someone and should be used every day because we can confidently move in accordance with what we expect. does not everyone have confidence in ourselves but we must begin to grow from the nature of self-confidence now.In the presence of this tutorial will make you a bit of confidence and ready to...

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm Sure I Have a Winning Attitude

When I was weak ... he that is within me whispered, "You must be passionate and powerful, why do not you know me? Who Are You? Know thyself, then you will be soon soar through the skies! " I was awakened, pensive in - in and wander away beyond the clouds. That I should not be weak, falling in and crawl complaints. I have to get up in the...

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Monday, April 23, 2012

6 Tips to Become Successful People

6 Tips to Become Successful People - What exactly is success? Probably everyone has different views about the meaning of success. But simply, someone at say successful if managed to achieve something that has been on target. In the Islamic view, success is not just a mere aspect of the world, but also touch aspects of the afterlife. There...

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Behind the sentence meaning (a woman) up!

So your teeth, in friendship and romance with a woman, it's up words often uttered in various situations. We had agreed earlier that the girl was more complicated than algebra it huh? Now the application of the word "whatever" can also mean different, depending on the circumstances and conditions the word is thrown. For example like this: Situation...

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10 Effective Ways to Learn Before the Exam

1. Choose the Right Time LearningLearn the most appropriate time is when our bodies are still fresh. Does not everyone have the time to learn the same. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. Remnants of the energy can be used to repeat lessons and homework. 2. Learn The Comfortable...

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

7 Most Expensive Stamps

7 Most Expensive Stamps - The stamp is the seventh most hunted many rare and collectors stamps because of the exorbitant price. You must be stunned at the price. Stamps are worth billions of dollars. 1. The Three-Skilling Yellow The Three-Skilling Yellow is misprinted stamps published by the Swedish government is the first printing in 1855....

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

50 tips Habits For Achieving Success

Success stems from the mental. You may be poor but if you believe you can succeed, then that is what you will achieve. Vice versa, if a person is born rich, but do not have the mental successful, then one day he can lose one's shirt. No matter what your current job into a profession, whether low-ranking employees or the boss though, you can...

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

7 Unique Facts About Semen

In a health perspective, the semen is seen as a biological substance released by the male to fertilize the eggs of women through the process of sperm-egg union. But there are some strange facts about semen that has not been known. What are they? By definition, semen or seminal fluid is an organic fluid, also known as seminal fluid, which...

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

10 The temptation Toughest in the Acts of Love

Assemble the perfect love story indeed requires effort and sacrifice. Quite often temptations often come in and scrape the seeds of love that dwells within the heart. If you and your partner think wise of course this can be exceeded. Judging from the various temptations that most often threatens the beautiful story of love, here's 10 toughest...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Five facts of the story of the Ghost Ship Titanic

15 April marks 100 years of the sinking RMS Titanic. Despite the tragic story about this luxury yacht is often headline news, there are other stories that emerged from the Titanic, ghost stories. These are spooky tales of the Titanic. * After the Titanic tragedy, rescue teams found 328 victims of the Titanic and to temporarily evacuate their...

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